Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Session Week Two.

It was great to have the two teams playing each other so that I could work with everyone as a group.  They played beautifully with some really wonderful skill play.  I haven't been pressing them lately to use any specific moves but I think next weekend we'll try to add a move then encourage them to use it in the game.  Here's the one we'll be trying out:

Try to watch the video with your player if you can and ask them to try the move at home.  I can't say this often enough, the kids who actually practice at home, even just a little, improve much more rapidly than everyone else.  Coaching one of my club team games this weekend my assistants and I could clearly tell which players had been working on their skills at home rather than just on practice days.  As I tell the kids, skip one episode of Sponge Bob (you've probably seen it already anyway) and spend 15 minutes practicing.  Do that every day and I'll be able to see the difference on game day.

See you next Saturday.  The Lions play Coach Denigan's green team and the Bats play Coach Petzelt's black team.  I'll be coaching the Lions during their game and Coach Chris will take the Bats.  Coach Chris doesn't like coaching against Coach Denigan's team.

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