Monday, February 18, 2013

Week Five.

Headed to Tucson this morning so not much time for blogging.  It was a weekend full of soccer though so I need to post something!  The U4 and U6 games on Saturday were excellent with some really great play all around.  Just a few highlights...
In the U4 Yankees game E.J. executed a pull-back and cut combination that was so sharp you couldn't believe it.  Isabelle got off to a weepy start but after some commiseration with her teammates she rallied and played with very impressive anticipation,  breaking off from the pack to get into a forward position.
In the U6 Bats game Ava was holding down her usual midfield post when she saw the chance at a goal unfolding for her.  The ball had gotten into the right corner with Abby and Hailey both working to get it out.  I think Ava could see that with only two defenders in Abby's way if Abby got the ball out across the goal Ava would have a one-on-one with the keeper.  So she came streaking into the goal box and sure enough Abby got the ball to her.  From there it was just a tap in for Ava.   Great anticipation there, like Jedi soccer.
I saw a lot of very good ball skill in this game and the Bats are making great strides.

Later in the afternoon it was the Legends Academy team tryouts and that was a great success.   All the kids were wonderfully focused and showed us great energy throughout.

On Sunday the U8 Sharks recovered beautifully from a shaky first quarter where we saw a little too much kicking without much control.  The rest of the game was beautiful.  The first highlight was a goal from Samuel that came after a great, slashing run through the defenders.  Samuel has very good tackling technique when on defense.   He knows how to get the ball off another player's foot cleanly with minimal contact.  I'm starting to see him use that technique in his attacking skills too.  He doesn't run away from defenders but rather he goes into them fast, cutting to one side at the last moment and dragging the ball with him just as the defender kicks at it.
We had excellent play from everyone and multiple goals.  One particular beauty was a powerful shot taken by Sam after he'd made a couple of sharp moves to get in the open.  When he broke past the defense at midfield Elizabeth took off to get up ahead and when Sam let go a real blast from about 18 yards out she was in position to give the ball just a slight redirect to keep it away from the keeper.  Amazing team work based on solid individual skills!  That's how the Sharks do it!

The Titans had a great game, lead to victory by Drew , Morgan and Justin.  Justin took a chance early in the first half, putting the ball on the floor and dribbling out of the goal, trying to get all the way up the field for a shot.  The other coach was really taken back by that, like it was totally crazy, but I loved it.  Great instincts and creativity there.
Another big moment in this game was a defensive play by Karah.  A player on the team got loose in our goal box.  Karah chased him down and fiercely got in between him and the ball.  Their feet got tangled and the other player went down.  Maybe it was a foul but even so I can't fault Karah for playing with such intensity and refusing to concede the ball.  That's something I'd like to see from every player, that drive to always make an effort to get to the ball.  I see far too many instances of kids conceding possession of the ball,  apparently assuming that it's out of their reach.  Part of what I have to do as a coach is convince them to test themselves rather than just assume that they know what their own limits are.  Don't be afraid to struggle.

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