Thursday, January 3, 2013

Last Week of Fall Indoor.

Sorry to just be getting around to this now but with the session ending right before Christmas I didn't have any spare time for blogging.  The session went really well for all of the teams and I saw lots of steady improvement from everyone and even some remarkably fast improvement from some.  Here's a little video of the Midnight Bats in action that gives you a good sense of what I'm working on with all of my teams all the time: solid fundamental skills and field awareness.  You'll hear me asking them on the field "where should you be?" or "what is happening next?"  I'm trying to get them to always be thinking ahead a bit, to anticipate rather than always just reacting.  In the video you can see most of the kids doing that.  There's one great moment near the end (at about 4:30)  where you see Micah trap the ball with one foot then look up to find his teammates.  Good stuff.  And at about 1:10 you see Ashley making a perfect pull-back move without hesitation and doing it in just the right context where it is really effective.

I didn't get to see the Lions play but Coach Chris told me they had a great game too.  The Sharks had a rough time of it on Sunday, at least score wise, though they did play really well and I was very pleased with some of what I saw going on.  In particular I'd note the game Tyler had.  There was one moment where he got possession of the ball and basically boxed the opponent off of it for a good five seconds, just keeping his body between the ball and the other player.  In the end he lost the ball but the fact that he was confident enough to try that was huge and I see that sort of confidence from all of the Sharks now.  They'll get their wins.

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