Friday, August 12, 2011

The Season Begins.

The Sharks and the newly named Thunder had excellent second practices this week. I'm very impressed with the overall level of discipline among the kids. I try to be realistic about the available attention span in a group of four and five year olds but I do like to see the kids staying focused on the game as opposed to wrestling or tickling or generally goofing off. What I say to them in practice is "we are here to play and have fun but we're here to have fun playing what?" I expect "soccer" to be the answer and for the most part that's what I get. As the weeks go by I will be working to accustom the kids to a particular practice routine for working on their fundamental skills. The more accustomed they become to the routine the more efficient that part of practice will be. But I will always try to save some time at the end of practice for some fun.

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