Monday, January 10, 2011

Week Eight. End of a Great Session.

Happy New Year! After a long Holiday layoff both teams came back with great performances and had a blast in their final games of the session. Briefly, the highlights were:
Goals from Blue Jays Samuel, Ethan, Diego, Austin and Ashley. They played so smartly in this game and did such great work getting into position away from the ball. Ashley went from being afraid to leave the bench to being one of our most aggressive and determined players. Great work, Ashley!
The Sharks had a goal from Noah S. on a brilliant turn and shoot move off of a pass from Noah R. There was a second goal but there was such a crowd around the ball I'm not sure who put it in. The big highlight for me was seeing the cooperation between the players and there was lots of it. One play in particular really stood out though. In the fourth quarter Elizabeth and Austin were playing up and at one point Elizabeth got stuck going into the corner with at least three opposition players blocking her way. Austin was moving toward the middle of the field looking for a crossing pass. Elizabeth smartly decided to turn around and take the ball out of the corner and back to midfield. When she turned Austin immediately began running toward the wall on her side to give her an outlet pass option. Elizabeth saw him, passed him the ball and then darted into the middle herself while Austin began bringing the ball back toward the goal but now from a more favorable angle. We didn't get a goal on that one but it was such a great example of teamwork and field awareness that any outsider reading this would probably be surprised to find out that I was describing the actions of four and five year old players.
It was a great session and I want to thank you all for the opportunity to coach these kids. They are great kids and it's an honor to work with them.
See you in a couple of weeks.

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