Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th, Game Two

The U6 Red Wings had the early game this week and they came out shooting. With Five total goals it was an impressive performance. We had strong play in keeper from Kaitlyn with a few good stops, Shai with two stops, Owen with three stops and Maya, who unfortunately didn't get tested even once while she was in. Maya did however make some great plays while she was in as fullback. Our other strong fullback was Ethan again who did a great job keeping the other team's best shooter off the goal. McKenzie, Kendall and Braden were all in the mix the entire game, playing with great energy. Our offense was lead by Cody, Will, Kaitlyn, Conner and Owen. Kaitlyn had our first goal on a very clean break away that took her head-on into the goal. Conner had a great goal on a clean-up after one of Will's shots bounced off the keeper. Owen had a hat trick of goals today. Two were unassisted beauties that he dribbled gracefully right up to the keeper before shooting. But the best goal was one that came off a perfect pass from Will, similar to the pass Conner shot to Will last week.
Thanks to Will and Braden's folks for the snack. Conner and Maya's folks will get it next week.

The U4 Alligators had a great game with a more balanced offense this week. Sam E. managed to get his usual handful of goals (four this week I think) including a beautiful little touch on a ball that was just about to get a away from him. We also had two goals from Elizabeth, two from Lucas and one from Cooper. Sam A. and Eileen were in the thick of it the whole game and Ella was great in her first game. I expect Ella will be taking the ball to the goal soon. Thanks to Lucas' parents for the snack this week. I need a volunteer for next week.