Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Great Last Game

Firstly I want to thank all the parents for their patience in dealing with the fact that our team was crowded. The enrollment situation at the start of the session was such that there were enough total players in U5 to make five teams but not enough to make six and since a five team field doesn't work scheduling wise the only thing to do was to divide the kids up into four teams so some of the teams were over the normal ten player limit. I personally prefer to have fewer than ten players since it seems that on every team I've had I have players that need to be coaxed just to play one quarter and other players who would play the whole game if I let them. But anyway, thanks for your patience and help and I hope each of your kids got something out of this session. They were all a joy to work with.
Now, as for that last may have noticed some strange behavior in the last quarter. The other coach, Scott, and I agreed before the game to use the last quarter to try and get any kids who had no goals this session a chance at making a goal. This involves pulling your players aside and giving the other team a head start as it were. This failed hilariously as Greg's players couldn't get the ball in the goal even as I had to practically sit on Nate and Mason to keep them from playing defense. And on our end Maddie and Kendall were both in position a few time to get their shots on goal but each time they seemed to be looking at something other than the ball. All the same it was fun.
It was a great session and I hope to see everyone when the spring session begins. Don't forget to watch that USA soccer qualifying game on the 28th. Oh...and Go Cardinals!

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